New Brighton was the invention of Liverpudlian James Atherton. Wowed by the success of Brighton in Sussex, in 1830 he set about building his own version on the Wirral Peninsula. It was a success. New Brighton boomed throughout the second half of the 19th century, particularly after rail provided a fast connection to Liverpool in 1888. It even boasted what was then Britain’s tallest building; sadly now demolished, the New Brighton Tower stood taller than the Blackpool Tower does today.
Two world wars left the resort in decline, but some attractions remain, including the New Palace, an arcade and fairground with an Art Deco facade. Fort Perch Rock, a maritime fortification that predates New Brighton’s resort years, is also worth a visit, and the Marine Point centre offers shopping and entertainment right on the seafront. The station is centrally located, with all the key attractions about a 10-minute walk away.