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What is Best Fare Finder?

If you’re more interested in finding the cheapest ticket than the exact date or time you travel, Best Fare Finder is for you.

Every day 1000’s of our customers find cheap train tickets on thetrainline.

Best Fare Finder uses their journey searches to help you find these cheap tickets faster.

Simply select your route, tell us when you’re thinking of travelling and Best Fare Finder will show you the cheap tickets our customers have found around these times.

How does Best Fare Finder work?

Best Fare Finder tracks the final prices shown to thetrainline’s customers and builds a picture of the best-priced tickets for our top 100 routes.

Prices are visible across 12 weeks or 3 months ahead.

This means no more searching to find out whether travelling on a different weekend would be cheaper.

Results are displayed in a calendar format, with date and time bands, so you can see at a glance how the price of your journey varies.

To make it even easier, the cheapest fares are automatically highlighted for you.

When were the prices last checked?

When you are browsing for tickets, we’ll show you when that route was last checked so you know how up-to-date the quote is.

Occasionally, you’ll see a message saying ‘no tickets’.

This could mean there are no trains running at that time (normally due to engineering works) or that we have no information for that route at that time.

How will I know if my ticket is available?

Once you’ve selected your ticket, Best Fare Finder will ask how many people are travelling and details of any railcards and confirm your tickets availability in real time.

If your tickets are available, simply proceed through to payment.

If for any reason the tickets are no longer available you’ll have the choice of either looking at other cheap fares available or visiting our main site to see the entire range of tickets for that route.

How do prices work?

Prices shown are the lowest adult single fare.

Once you’ve selected your ticket, you will be able to enter any applicable railcards or change the number of passengers before you proceed to payment.

Best Fare Finder will automatically check whether a return ticket would be cheaper before you buy.